Research on spermidine and its positive indications for the human body is just beginning. Stay up to date on the latest studies from researchers across the world. Below are list of ongoing or upcoming study topics that we are aware of or involved in.
Spermidine and Age-Related Diseases (cardiovascular, neurological, and musculoskeletal)
Spermidine and Stroke and Cardiovascular Dementia
Spermidine and Acute Heart Failure
Spermidine and Parkinson's Disease
Spermidine and Hypertension and Blood Pressure
Spermidine and Breast Cancer
Spermidine and Multiple Sclerosis
Spermidine in Cosmetic Indications (wrinkle-reduction)
Spermidine and the Blood-brain Barrier (Alzheimer's)
Spermidine and Heart Failure
Spermidine and Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis
Spermidine and Memory Performance in Elderly Persons
Spermidine and Prediabetes